
Monday, June 4, 2012

One Twisted Apple

Fiona Apple's first single from her generously long album title, "The Idler Wheel is wiser than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords will serve you more than Ropes will ever do"  goes by the seemingly tumult resistant name "Every Single Night". It's a warped music box journey into the center of her fractured mind/soul. At least that was my first impression, a woman deeply at war with herself and having the stones to try and chronicle that through a recording. She does what she does, and it's someone else's fault if she's not who she's supposed to be. The militant chorus which pops up behind her from time to time only underscores that difficulties Fiona has navigating her own psychological battlefield. At least she's bringing us to the frontlines to watch her slug it out. Her career hasn't been the smoothest row to hoe but give her the nod for coming back to the plate for another swing. Am not sure if contemporary hits stations or even the somewhat more adventurous alt-rock outlets will back a song that's such an enigma. Her tenacity is praiseworthy. That's there's more of a naked feel to the atmospherics might be to her detriment. Like it or not "Criminal" got her a taste of the bright lights. Her core fans will follow her no matter what she adds to her catalog of work. I can't make a strong enough argument that "Every Single Night" will necessarily boost her numbers at the voting booth.

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