
Sunday, October 27, 2013

American Authors Fail To Come Up With The Best Example of Originality

One eye-catcher I return to again and again when testing the waters for great new music is the name of the band. South by Southwest is a literal carnival of traveling minstrels who could only have come up with their names while inhaling liquid paper or rubber cement. Brooklyn band American Authors is to be praised for passing that test. A great band name doesn't have to be overly demonstrative to be appealing in some way. "Best Day Of My Life" isn't a loathsome song. In fact if you're in the mood for something unapologetically peppy you've come to the right place. What's a little disheartening is how the chord adhered to in the song sounds exactly like that of Imagine Dragons' "It's Time". At this point what I know about American Authors could fill a thimble but I suspect having a single out on the market that is too similar to the rhythms of another contemporary band won't do their long term success prognosis any favors. That's too bad because zippy never goes out of style. There's something soothingly old fashioned about the strumming of a banjo. On the merits of that alone James Adam Shelley is doing a definite service to society. Zachary Bennett keeps the feel good sentiments rolling along with such pleasantries as: "I had a dream so big and loud. I jumped so high and touched the clouds." Isn't that a welcome relief from the Advil headache caused by your employer, your wife, your kids, or a combination of all three? This kind of lyric is the stuff happy places are made of. Zach's vocals certainly do get high marks for friendliness. You're convinced the clouds are withing reach for you since he's apparently found a way to access them. His eyes are on the future. Not a single regret in sight. Whatever state of bliss he's in he's a hero with rooting value. All he asks is that no one wake him from the incredible dream he's having. Who can blame him for that request especially since I could count on one hand the number of people for whom this fantasy comes anywhere close to reality. Although hard pressed to keep up with the pace James and Zach have set, drummer Matt Sanchez proves equal to the task. He's in a nice little zone that is difficult to shake. The longer it lasts, the easier it becomes to be impressed with him. Dave Rublin assures the vitality level will be maintained on bass. Maybe I'm jumping the gun too soon by wagging a finger at them for evoking an Imagine Dragons comparison. In truth Imagine Dragons comes at you with more of everything including the kitchen sink mindset. At least during this go round American Authors is content not to insist on so much complexity. Let's just say the canvas is waiting for this band to paint some altogether original color onto it. "Best Day Of My Life" is an agreeable starting point. Let's hope that's not where the story ends.

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