
Friday, April 10, 2015

Elle King's Got One Bluesy Ex-Rated Tale To Tell

SNL nostalgia buffs, you must remember Rob Schneider, Mister "Making Copies" guy who is either revered because of or cursed for "The Hot Chick". His daughter Tanner Elle who goes by the stage name Elle King has elected to pick up the show business torch and run straight to blues rockin heaven via her single "Ex's & Oh's". Brian Setzer and Chris Isaak ought to be nodding their heads in wildly expressive approval at what this mid twentysomething gal has labored to produce. She's fiercely gifted at the guitar which serves the song well. Can't have a fire worth squat if you don't have a flame to goose it up. The session drummer didn't work his charms halfway. The kick starting panache lends some spice to the meatball. Elle doesn't waste time demonstrating that she made a real man out of him, then let him go on an unsuspecting populace. The man parade comes but never wants to leave. Nothing remotely innuendo based there. Coming from Elle's girlish lips naughtiness bubbles up as the flavor of the day. It's up to you to determine whether she plays herself off as the town tramp or good at getting attention with her feminine wiles. Her exes haunt her. What other kind of ex is there? Ours is not a population where happily ever after courtship predominates. Elle gets around. From California to New Orleans she surely kisses and tells. We linger to gobble up the toothsome little nibbles. Elle can claim to have performed at South by Southwest. If "Ex's & Oh's" was on the dinner menu the crowd we suspect drank it down to the bottom of the shot glass. Shifting focus to the guitar's chord it's very similar to that used by Canadian band Metric's "Youth Without Youth". Elle's selection of chord makes it a overly libido driven cousin. You get the same general guitar pepped up thanks to fist in the chops drumming. Anyone's who had a close listen to "Youth Without Youth" knows that little number was lyrically much more serious than "Ex's and Oh's" Both titles captivate in ways you don't initially hear coming. Metric makes you wait for the gratification whereas Elle anxiously grabs you into her bedroom trysting. Talk about your sexcapades best enjoyed with buttons down or even off. One thing I recall about Papa Rob was he nailed one killer Elvis impression on SNL. So I get where Elle's performing inclinations come from. Equal parts ghoulish and mouth watering the video interlaces nicely with Elle's sordid explanations. Her New Orleans lover was "kept warm in the winter, frozen in the spring". Again you don't need to have a diagram drawn up for you, huh? "Ex's and Oh's" merits brownie points galore for not making us beg for a easy to trace back story. It's free wheeling romp to the most severe degree. If you're going to live out sexual fantasies vicariously through a close neighbor it may as well be Elle. "Ex's & Oh's" knows how to make listeners go "ooh" and "aah". Rob's got one tasty temptress in his gene pool.

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