
Sunday, May 8, 2016

P!nk Sets The Alice Through The Looking Glass Soundtrack On Fire

It's been said in culinary circles that there's always room for Jello. Shift that logic to the music industry and P!nk's the go to delicacy you don't run out of a craving for. The wild child born Alecia Moore has never looked back since she slapped American audience across the face with her 2000 debut "Can't Take Me Home". Although she wasn't thrilled about being pigeonholed as a flavor of the month pop R & B star it didn't take her long to capture her true voice. From "Just a Pill" to "Stupid Girls" (a marvelous dissection of the pretty she things more concerned with their hairstyles than actually making a difference in the world) to the four sheets to the wind encouraging "Raise Your Glass" P!nk doesn't fool around one iota. You either get with her program or prepare to be demolished. The new "Just Like Fire" culled from the soundtrack to the bonafide blockbuster in the making Alice Through The Looking Glass follows the trend that's continued to make her a wealthy woman. Given it's a Disney flick she knows she needs to have her muscle on full display. In this turn on guitar she locks onto E chord and prepares to crawl through the mud, military warrior style. She does remember to remind us there's only one P!nk roaming the stratosphere and lucky for us that's true because two would be an embarrassment. At certain junctures Disney compositions request you move through the adventure trail in extreme caution. "Just Like Fire" goes by the tortoise's slow but steady wins the race credo. I'm not saying the mileage accrued is paltry but what good's a voyage if you can't pause long enough to let the scenery permeate your consciousness. P!nk's a perfect choice for a spot on this soundtrack because she very much fits the profile of an animated character leaping off the pages of a cartoonist's storyboard. Smartly when laying down vocals P!nk never once relinquishes her lust for a full life and all that entails. From verse one she knows what she wants, where she wants it and, shrewdly enough, how to get it. Though she's running out of time she wants it all. She even basks in the regal glory her ambitions push from the deep end of the pool. We already know P!nk's adept at walking on a wire trying to go higher. That's her career boiled down to the most basic definition. Take heart if you needed a bit of anthem style testosterone thrown in. It arrives courtesy of "We came here to run it". That's the battle cry pre-teens won't be able to escape throughout this summer movie season. Not groundbreaking but if it's an attention grabber you has arrived with a blood red bow on top. P!nk's a femme fatale who knows her way around the boardroom. Doesn't hurt matters any that she just so happens one of the most distinctive voices in any genre of music. "Just Like Fire" figures to make the soundtrack to Alice Through The Looking Glass come across as an unbeatable inferno in the digital download arena. Such savvy work bodes well for the movie, too.

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