
Friday, August 12, 2016

Skillet Makes Even The Most Meek Among Us Feel Invincible

Christian rock band Skillet comes on like the tidal wave mentioned in the chorus throughout the new "Feel Invincible". The intensity level goes all the way up to eleven. Lead vocalist John Cooper leads a call to arms and we have been invited to participate in the fomenting revolution. What a huge thrill!! The production values crackle like a house afire. Each band member gives it one million percent and the dividends fall on the mega rewarding side. The crunching rock doesn't so much glide across the surface as much as bury itself in your bloodstream begging you to get down on your knees and beg for mercy in whatever form you can obtain it. Drummer Jen Ledger does a fantastic job of blending her well-timed vocals in with juggernaut beats. Lead guitarist Seth Morrison brings his best work during the bridge, Nothing along the order of showing off a la hair metal circa 1980s. It's his technical astuteness which carries this particular day. He lays out ballistic thunder in creamy fashion the way you'd spread out peanut butter. Full steam ahead no quarter asked for or given. Lyrics point to this being John's hour to fight even if the naysayers are already counting him down and out. Wimps need not apply here. Purely army squadron psychological pepper on the ball being thrown over the plate. Early on John knows the target on his back is next to impossible to shake let alone claim victory over. Does he opt to cower in the corner? Not on your life. He rolls up his sleeves and belts out rally cry after rally cry. Of course given the Christian nature of this band all praise for the pending uprising lands square in God's lap. You can feel the electricity vibrate across the board. "Feel Invincible" gains strength as the minutes elapse. Buckling your seat belt would be quite the smart idea lest you lose your lunch somewhere along the voyage. It's quite the honor to be going side by side with the platoon known as Skillet because the band knows how to establish a unified front and march down the field, intentions clear as mud to anyone toting around a working pulse. So what gets the reward for best overall lyric on the sheet? How about "Fight song raising up like a roar of victory in a stadium. The song itself roars like a lion itching to get sprung from its cage at the zoo. The billows of bluster come at you unrelentingly, knowing exactly how to get at your hot buttons, how to incite a riot among the calmest of souls. You get left clutching a Trojan Horse weightiness after the proceedings reach their logical conclusion but in a gigantic empowered exhale fashion. Korey Cooper's keyboards blaze the trail to renewal and all we have to do is follow along like the Curious Georges we know lie within our marrows.If "Feel Invincible" were to be compared to an amusement park ride then this snarling beast can be classified as roller coaster in the ways in which it matters. Maybe a little reverse peristalsis is good for body and soul. Skillet's form of dishing it out certainly has an indisputable bite behind it. In short "Feel Invincible" goes on camouflage fatigues and wears well over the excursion. Maybe you won't walk away clutching any cloak of invincibility but you'll likely work up a satisfying sweat.

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