
Monday, May 12, 2014

Resist the Temptation To Label Sebastian Bach a Has-Been

Personally I always thought of Sebastian Bach as a miniature version of Axl Rose in the screeching vocals department. Doubt that I have a point? Flash back to "Welcome To The Jungle". Then take a listen to Skid Row's "Youth Gone Wild". Both guys had the don't give a crap chip on their shoulders which made their contributions to the '80s metal scene so memorable. Only difference I can think of between the two is Axl's pipes sound like he blunted them with a chainsaw whereas Sebastian's resemble the finished work of well applied sandpaper. No matter whether he's making news with his acid tongue or his still savage skill in front of a mike stand, Sebastian remains a force of nature. It would be wrong to accuse him of having mellowed out since he hit his forties. Anybody who comes to the party with an album called "Give 'Em Hell" should not be considered fit for pasture land. Possibly contextually linked with said title is "Temptation", a perspiration laced number that shows off Bach's intensity both in wicked wail or bottled huskiness. To be sure I believe the gunslingers Sebastian has backing him pack a larger punch than Skid Row did back in its heyday. It wouldn't be out of place to say the guitarist's work is downright lecherous. The drummer maximizes his poundings so you're certain that migraine saddled metal hangover couldn't far around the corner. If there is a tamed side to the tiger it appears during the chorus. Sebastian can go from shiver inducing to sexually provocative before you've had the chance to blink an eye. He's on the short list of hard rock/metal vocalists who don't let you out of their sights even when their voices aren't slicing your insides to ribbons (begging your pardon if you were sitting to dinner right as I typed that last autopsy unsettling passage). What did you expect from a guy who can now add performing in legitimate theater to his list of talents. Apparently pissing people off with his Twitter feeds also ranks as some sort of talent. But back to the "Temptation" at hand. The video is crudely calculated to appeal to the basest hormones in us. We have to wait forty seconds before the nails come out. When they do the construction job leaves nary a chipped sliver of paint unattended to. If hair metal leaves you weak in the knees the fashion sense has held steady. Specifically that Adonis like flaxen hair surges to and fro. His stylist must be getting a butt load of money to successfully insure the upkeep on those follicles. "Temptation" demonstrates that inhaling Sebastian's essence is, as the title hints, irresistible. Call it narcissistic if you want but I do appreciate when the artist appears genuinely excited about the product he's putting out. Sebastian praises it wildly like some proud papa who thinks his kid could beat up everyone else's on the playground. If you give into "Temptation" you'll be rewarded handsomely for your efforts.

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