
Friday, November 14, 2014

CHVRCHES Kickstarts Dead Air

Let's get one thing out in the open right now. The brass behind the upcoming Hunger Games movie isn't paying me to talk about the cuts on their soundtrack. I merely find it both timely and noteworthy. There, air cleared I can proceed like someone who resembles a functioning adult male. Scottish electronic trio CHVRCHES allows its presence to be known with "Dead Air". For a track with "dead" in the title there sure is a lot of bounce brought to the table. Amazing what keyboards can do to make it appear a genuine pulse is beating. Lauren Mayberry's voice keeps commendable time with the rhythms which echo the Hunger Games ethos of running for one's life because you never can tell when the shark in the water's going to discover blood, and you would hate for it to be yours. Average audio this isn't. At its greatest synthesizers are your express paid pass to a rewarding landscape. Stuck in neutral. The surround sound effects can and probably should be given considerable credit for lifting you out of those doldrums. Snap to life quoth the synthesizers. Keep running while energy courses through your veins. CHVRCHES locates the hope inside a film dynasty that really doesn't lend itself to anything other than mano a mano combat on the world stage folks can't take their eyes off of. Peeking expediently at the words behind the so the drama Lauren decries that enduring equals strength. Holding on to an idea for all it's worth. That qualifies as important in the scheme of things. Holding on to the idea that makes healing not a mere pipe dream. There's your global money shot right there. You can sense firm legs to stand on are omnipresent in the choral layout. Leap to a higher chord then eclipse that with an even higher combo. In your mind's mind a hero and heroine make the leap together. Both Iain Cook and Martin Doherty's talents chase the ennui out of the picture. They spread layers of intricacy into the synthesizers that make it damned near impossible for adrenaline rushes not to flow. Lauren's the bona fide heroine persona to this tale. Wherever the innocence ran off to you imagine the mere presence of her plucky voice would be useful in reclaiming it. In a recent post I stressed the raw star wattage involved through bringing Lorde on board the whole Hunger Games phenomenon. CHVRCHES are going to be helped career-wise in the short run by adding their names to the roster. Any idea needs a spark, an undeniable glimmer to lift it off the ground and transform it to a concrete, tangible reality. "Dead Air" lives and breathes among us. We are plenty richer for that being the case. The bounciness reaches nimble proportions. The trio runs for its collective life. We hop on board the synthesizers and hightail it after them. CHVRCHES dead reckoning is living proof synths aren't soulless leeches. They can banish darkness with the tiniest light.

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